Posted in Parenting and Random Shit

Your Language is Offensive

After my last blog post and the responses to it, I have done some serious soul-searching. It was mentioned over and again that my use of swear words was offensive to many people, I was  even informed that it wasn’t ladylike.  After reading through most of the replies and absorbing how my liberal use of profanity upset so many people, I have decided to take the advice of these readers and not employ foul language in my blog posts.  I apologize if my use of vulgarities offended anyone. It won’t happen again.

I’m totally fucking joking! Welcome to my muthafucking blog, bitches. If you don’t like my fucking language, feel free to click that fucking “x” at the top fucking corner of your fucking computer screen.  “Fuck” is actually my favorite fucking word. That shit has so many fucking uses. If any of you assholes are offended by fucking swear words, I am going to go out on a fucking limb and assume that my blog is not the fucking place for you. It isn’t my fucking job to shower you with glitter and unicorn piss. If you want to read about puppies and angels, you hit the wrong fucking link.

Just so there is no misunderstanding, here are a list of swear words that will appear in past and future posts on MY blog: hell, shit, damn, ass, asshole, fuck, fucking, mother fucker, mother fucking (lots of variations of the word FUCK), bitch, dick—-well, pretty much, if you can think of it, there is high potential it will appear on this blog.  If you have a problem with that, fuck off.

And, yes, I do kiss my mother with this mouth.


I am a stay at home mother with 4 children. I drink a lot of wine and curse like a sailor.

338 thoughts on “Your Language is Offensive

  1. Oh. My. God. I JUST found your blog today and followed – off of your freshly pressed post. As I read, I was actually impressed that they FP someone who used foul language so openly. You seemed like you would be a funny person to follow. THIS post… this post made following you worth it. Fuck Yeah. Don’t like it? Delete bitches.

    Nice to meet you!


      1. I know you are not going to get it but I will bang my head against this wall anyway. Language can be read as violent. When you are brought up in a house where swear words were used as violence and not as a general add-on to any sentence it has an effect when you read it. When you express that you are a person who finds it offensive as you didn’t want to go into the whole background and you get this blog as a reply…Well, it is a slap in the face. In fact you may get a glimmer as to the efect if you re-read all your replies to peoples comments on language being offensive/disrespectful and changed it to pretending you were talking about just slapping someone in the face. You right a blog about how teasing and hitting in the school yard isn’t a sign of fun or affection then you tease and slap people with your language and tone. Physical aggression aint on but a few demeaning words between online strangers is??? I have lots of friends who don’t see swear words as a thing on concern and I don’t debate their point. I am not even debating yours. Maybe just giving another way to look at the same position. Sometimes words hurt and sometimes it takes courage to apologise for the effect of those words even if the original intent wasn’t to cause harm. Cheers.


      2. Okay, missingthepoint is missing the point. A hammer can be used to fix a house, or to bash someone’s head in. We should keep using hammers, because most of us are going to good things with them. Like we used to say – fuck’em if they can’t take a joke!


        1. I am drinking a glass of wine in honor of your response. (Everyone says a celebratory glass of wine is harmless. I just finished celebrating Wednesday and before that I celebrated 5:47 PM and before that I celebrated oxygen…)
          Seriously, I love this.


      3. uhm, ok, so i don’t get what the big fucking deal is. if you can’t handle it when people swear, cover your eyes or ears. really, it’s a personal choice. QUEENOFTHECOUCH, if i were you I’d tell everyone to go on and suck my mother-fucking dick. geez, telling you your swearing offends them is as good as someone saying your fashion offends them- each to his own. FUCK YEA BITCH! do youor thang!


      4. “That’s right! Fuck em if they can’t take a fucking joke! Welcome to my fucking blog and thanks for fucking reading!”

        Got it. So your last post about violence was entirely a joke too, right? Because I definitely laughed when some of those people thought you were serious. It’s not the use of the language. It’s your absurd ideas. I’m pretty sure raising a generation of violent females will only lead into further destruction and females being taken far less seriously. But you used “fuck” quite a few times, so clearly it wasn’t a serious post. 🙂


      5. THIS IS HER OWN GODDAMN BLOG! Missingpoint, do you walk up to people in restaurants and say, “Please stop eating that because I don’t like the taste”? This is her house. Welcome to the way she decorates it.


      6. THIS IS HER OWN GODDAMN BLOG. Missingpoint, do you walk up to people in restaurants and say, “Please stop eating that because I don’t like the way it tastes”? This is her house. Welcome. This is how she decorates.


  2. Unicorn piss? Sounds deelish.

    I don’t swear in my blog and if I do I use symbols to replace a letter. But that’s my choice. Just like it’s YOUR choice to swear in YOUR blog. And if the content is good and/or amusing, which yours is, then people will read, which they do. Keep being you. Beautiful potty-mouthed you. We ain’t goin’ nowhere.


  3. HAHA. I fucking love it. I’m a lady and I swear. Fuck gets the point across like no other word can. I’m a new reader to your blog and I love you already!


  4. AHAHAHAHAAHHAA! I totally FUCKING love this! Since i’m very known among my friends with my UN-ladylike behavior, I am going to fucking give you a standing ovation!! *CLAP**CLAP**CLAP**CLAP*


  5. I was seriously scared after the first paragraph that you were going to succumb to what other people wanted to read instead of what you wanted to write, thank god you didn’t. One of the reasons your blog is worth coming back to read is the appropriate use of foul language and the way you “glitter” it in your work. Hilarious! I actually made people read your blog off my cell phone yesterday in a bar, we were all laughing our asses off! Well done!!!! Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke:)


  6. You. Are. My. Hero.

    I wish I had your…courage? In real life I have some pretty colorful word choices but I hold back when I write for the public because I don’t want to step on any toes.

    Well played.


  7. FUCK YEA!!

    I have to admit I was a tad nervous there. I just started subscribing to your blog…read yesterdays and passed it around to friends like a cheap bottle of wine! (Not that you or your blog are “cheap”). And then today I was nervous you were REALLY going to apologize for your language…FUCK THAT! It’s your fucking blog! People don’t like it they can fuck off! (I agree “fuck” is a great word)

    Oh and btw “glitter and unicorn piss” is fantastic and I may need to steal that on occasion. 🙂

    Here’s to big mouthed broads!


  8. I’m in agreement with Daddy Knows Less. You should do whatever you want with your blog. It’s not like anyone is being forced to read, or forced to do the same thing. Bring it sister. Find your voice.


  9. Ba ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I got your e-mail, the first as I just started following you and read the first paragraph and thought “fuck, now I have to figure out how to unfollow her now”.
    You rock! You GO girl!


  10. I just started reading you yesterday, and I fuckin’ love you. I lerv you. Weak-knees. butterflies, googly-eyes. Fuck, man. Let me chime in with the rest. Keep it up, we ain’t goin’ nowhere, goddamn it.

    Your tagging by the way is just as funny as your writing. Truly, I’m inspired.


  11. I am a new reader and I think you are fucking awesome!! I’m a lady, or at least that’s what I am told, and cussing is one of my favorite things to do, AND it get’s my fucking point across loud and clear! Unicorn piss??? Fucking love it! I love your blog…so refreshing to see someone speak so goddamn candid for a change! Keep up the good fucking writing!!!


  12. Go on Girl!!! Fuck is a fabulously expressive word and is more fun to say than write! It is your blog. Fucking express yourself!!!!


  13. I’m all for offensive language (in its time and place). My mom always used to tell me that cursing was the sign of a poor vocabulary. As smart as she was, I disagree–the more foul words you know, the bigger your vocabulary!


  14. in the words of yesterday’s b-day girl, Susan B Anthony: “Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place; think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works, looking to your own conscience for approval.” peace ❤


  15. Nothin’ more powerful than a well-placed f-bomb…well, perhaps an insightful post. I just got turned onto your blog yesterday and shared “You didn’t thank me” with my teenage daughters. I’m pretty sure a few four-letter words won’t scar them for life…but emotional and physical abuse sure as shit will.


  16. Although clearly it is your right to use any form of language you want, if you want to write a “serious piece” about something that you feel strongly about, shunning your readers who are being given the opportunity to see your side is clearly not respectful. What if what you were saying had merit, but you lost readers simply by foul language, or this updated blog entry, telling them to *F off?? You want your daughter to be respected as a human being, but you turn around & write another blog simply to bash readers who could have agreed with what you said, aside from foul language. To say that you don’t think it’s appropriate for daughters to accept being abused even if others call it “child’s play” then turn around and verbally abuse those who simply stated they didn’t appreciate the foul language shows you have no comprehension of what abuse is. Yes, they can turn away from your blog and yes that is your right to use the language you want, but to be hypocritical in your statements means that everything you say is fluff.


    1. Oh, please. I am not abusing anyone. It isn’t my job to coddle the world and make anyone feel better about my opinion. If I want to pepper my thoughts with expletives, that is my prerogative. No one is forced to read this blog. It is my page, it is my opinions and I will convey those opinions in any manner I wish. If you take it as me “bashing”, you are way too sensitive, IN MY OPINION. I was the target of direct personal attacks and verbal abuse and assaults in the comments of my last post. I was called every name in the book, told to die, told I should have aborted my children, etc—you don’t see me squirting a tear, do you? You want me to apologize for the language I use on MY page? Psssshhhh—not gonna happen.


      1. Reminds me of this scene from Howard Stern’s “Private Parts” movie:

        Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for – are you ready for this? – an hour and twenty minutes.
        Pig Vomit: How can that be?
        Researcher: Answer most commonly given? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”
        Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
        Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
        Pig Vomit: But… if they hate him, why do they listen?
        Researcher: Most common answer? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”


    2. Nancy, get the fuck over yourself, jesus christ. No one cares what you have to say. Stop following our Queen of the Couch, exactly like she said to in the post.


      1. Nancy made a point without slagging anyone off or making a sexual threat (like one asshole has already done). I completely disagree with her point, but if we hate the language police, maybe we should not be the language police.

        Nice place to spend a Saturday morning with a coffee and Baileys in hand, glad I found this Blog (though I am not sure how it happened – maybe through FB).


    3. Sweetpea, the beauty is that people who do agree with the content of the post but dislike the expletives might turn away from the blog and hate QotC, but they – you ready for this? – WON’T change their minds about the actual topic. On the other hand, by using the language she did, the Queen actually gained many more faithful followers who were compelled by her passion and honesty. Not to mention the fact that the ongoing debate probably attracted even more readers (I have yet to see another freshly pressed post with more than 1000 likes and comments).
      Oh, and what makes you assume that this post was written to increase her readership? I thought she just wanted to vent a bit and make her point of view known. Which she did alright.


  17. Kakakkakaka this is fuckin MONEY!! I stumbled upon your blog this morning. I had to wipe the coffee I shot out of my nose, off my computer screen reading this! Yes you are that good 😉 so excited to follow ! Fuck yeah 😉


  18. I think it was really sad and stupid that people had to remove the focus of a really poignant blog post about the accepted mistreatment of young girls to something so entirely MEANINGLESS. We’re all adults here, right? At least I thought so. I think it’s interesting (sad, enraging, disgusting, pathetic) that people also seem to feel that some bad words used by an adult on a private blog are also more important than the message that young girls should respect themselves and demand that others respect them too.

    Shame on you.


    1. So, Aly B., what incredibe sacredness do you sparkle down like pixie dust upon the world? Do you have any function other than to make people feel bad about expressing their thoughts? The “Shame on you.” sentence is uncalled for. Makes my blood boil just to read it. So judgmental. Like you’re on such a high plane.


      1. I think what she meant is that people made such a big stink about the language and completely got off the subject. Her remarks were pointed at the people who focused on the language and not the point of the post. At least that is how I read her comment.


  19. You are amazing! The first paragraph made me very sad and annoyed I was all about to comment and tell you your swearing is necessary and appropriate! Then I just laughed my head off for a good 5 minutes. So funny! Go you!
    So glad you got freshly pressed!


    1. Yes, for a moment my heart sank at the thought QOTC had her spirit broken so easily – it was great to see the REAL Queen in the following paragraphs! I’m a fan!


  20. Waaaaah! Fuck the crybabies!
    (Do you think maybe you could incorporate “dick-knocker” into one of your blog posts? I funking love that word!)


  21. Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today, is the word fuck. Out of all the English words that begin with the letter ‘f’ …fuck is the only word referred to as ‘the f word… It’s the one magical word. Just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. Fuck, as most words in the English language is derived from German …the word fuieken, which means to strike.

    In English, fuck falls into many grammatical categories:

    As a transitive verb for instance.. John fucked Shirley.
    As an intransitive verb… Shirley fucks.

    Its meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as…

    An adjective such as… John’s doing all the fucking work.
    As part of an adverb… Shirley talks too fucking much.
    As an adverb enhancing an adjective… Shirley is fucking beautiful.
    As a noun… I don’t give a fuck.
    As part of a word… absofuckinglutely -or- infuckingcredible.
    And as almost every word in a sentence… Fuck the fucking fuckers.

    As you must realize, there aren’t too many words with the versatility of fuck…such as these examples describing situations such as:

    Fraud: I got fucked at the used car lot.
    Dismay: ahhh fuck it.
    Trouble: I guess I’m really fucked now.
    Aggression: Don’t fuck with me buddy.
    Difficulty: I don’t understand this fucking question.
    Inquiry: Who the fuck was that?
    Dissatisfaction: I don’t like what the fuck is going on here.
    Incompetence: He’s a fuck-off.
    Dismissal: Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself…

    I’m sure you can think of many more examples.

    With all these multi-purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech.

    It will identify the quality of your character immediately.

    Say it loudly and proudly: FUCK YOU!


    1. Hey, JJ, you left off one important piece of knowledge: the origin of the F-word. It originated as a term in Old English common law. F.U.C.K. was originally the abbreviation meaning “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge,” and it appeared on all legal cases involving adultry or fornication. Makes it respectable, huh!


  22. Wow! I find it somewhat…. no not somewhat… REALLY amazing that you don’t hold anything like curse words back. I mean, I, myself don’t really like using them. But i like it when people know how to use them. Would it sound weird if I said that it makes your entries more enjoyable and there’s more of a sense of legit connecting communication? … Actually that didn’t sound as great as I thought it would. Oh well… but I hope I said something of some meaning today.


  23. YEAHHHHHHH! I think some of these women who are offended might fair better with a vaginal bashing than a verbal one. Might relieve some stress, ya know what I’m sayin’???? 😉 😉 woops! did I cross the line?


  24. That IS the point. This is YOUR opinion and your blog. Every individual has an opinion and whether someone who reads this post I have made agrees or disagrees, they are also entitled to their opinion in as much as I (or someone else) is entitled to mine (or theirs) . If you disagree with that statement then you are immediately stating that you are: a) A hypocrite or b)That any statement of opinion you make is worthless and should be discredited immediately. Many of our worst problems in the world are all down to a difference of opinion. Religious feuds, political struggles, imbalance of wealth, etc. Stripped of all their propaganda, history and mess they come down to differences of opinion.

    How we resolve differences of opinion is a major issue. In the 21st century it would have been great to see that human beings as a whole had learnt that: a)They are entitled to an opinion(s), b) That they should stick to that(those) opinion(s) until they are satisfied that it is (they are) wrong (ie. proven to be wrong, not assumed) and c) Others are also entitled to another opinion, but at no point do they have to agree. Please accept that I am not attempting to be patronizing here, I realize that many think about the same things as others. Clearly, you can have a different opinion about what I just wrote (see it is simple, easy and actually harmless).

    The OP is entitled to swear as much as she wishes. F*** is a fun word, over used of course. Swear words are more affective when used sparingly in my experience, but if a string of sentences with expletives in them brings a smile to your face or allows you to express something, then good for you.


  25. You are very entertaining! I am a total newbie, just started my blog, which is about my sobriety journey and didn’t want to offend any of my friends and family, who are my target audience. FUCK that! I’m gonna do it, motha fucka! My favorite, most expresive word in the world. Thanks for the chuckles and for the reminder to be ME.


  26. YES!! Please tell these bitches to stop fucking complaining. It’s only a word! But i just came across your blog, and i’m definately sticking around!! Thank-You!!


  27. Ain’t Freedom of Speech grand! You are free to write on your blog whatever you want, in whatever way you want. Readers are free to read, or not read, as they choose. It’s a win-win situation.

    So why do people feel they can tell you what words you should use? What part of ‘Freedom of Speech’ don’t they understand?

    I’ve often told people that my blog is not a democracy. You don’t get to vote on what I write or how I write. You don’t like it, click the X.

    I loved the article you got blasted for, and shared it. Keep up the great writing. I look forward to reading more!


  28. I’m glad you’re sticking by your foulmouthed guns.

    Some people don’t seem to understand that when a blog post goes viral, the author (unless she’s already a celebrity) couldn’t have predicted it would go viral* and therefore has no magic crystal ball to tone down her language for future posting on first grade classroom walls. As someone mentioned in the original post, the search and replace function in Word is available to all.

    *Unless you do know the secret, in which case you will shortly become a bajillionaire and be able to buy up the usage rights to all words that offend you ever.


  29. Hiya,

    Can I start by saying that I love your blog, I think its great, and I also think u really deserve the viral mania that your last post attracted.

    But I don’t agree with you about the cursing. After all, you are clearly well spoken, eloquent and have a lot of fabulous ideas in your head. Why limit them to a few profanities that mean nothing except as exclamations? I would love to be able to share your blogs with so many people where the swearing means I just cant

    Although it makes me uncomfortable, I wouldnt stop reading, and of course you are entitled to write whatever you like, I just thought I’d share my opinion, which is basically that profanity is just lack of expression and lack of creativity, and in most cases entirely unnecessary!

    Keep up the great work, I’m so glad I found this truly entertaining blog, with or without the cursing.




    1. See, there is an easy way around your dilemma. Just share this with all those friends of yours, adding the disclaimer that some strong language is used, and leave it up to them whether or not they think it’s worthwhile or even conducive to the message to put up with the expletives.


  30. Honestly. When did people forget that these blogs aren’t theirs? If they don’t like it, don’t read it. Do I swear too much? Sure. Do I out loud in front of my kids? Hell no. That’s what my blog’s for, damnit.


  31. Hmm…I am compelled and amused! I also appreciate using the word fuck in a zillion contexts,,,and wondered if you can somehow add to your list the derivative:
    fuck-ified. How would you use it?


  32. WHOOOOO!!!!! Don’t let fucking pussies and wusses push you off the high cliff of righteousness with their pathetic pandering to values they made up in their heads. Those troglodytes were all probably home schooled, home school their kids, and expect sympathy from the entire world about all the fucking homeschooling.

    Your blog is your place to say whatever you want. It’s not like a social media platform, where you are speaking in a public place, where you have to treat it like a dinner at fucking grandma’s, where you can’t say exactly what you want to say with complete freedom and impunity.

    I gotta say, after reading your first paragraph and seeing the swear jar picture, I had a hard time scrolling down. I didn’t want to read the rest. I was all like, “Aw, Jesus, I gotta send her a cuss-filled comment, encouraging her to cuss again.”

    Then when I scrolled down, I started slapping my knee and laughing! Awesome!

    Oh, and the post about the bullying and your girls–right on, sister. I totally support kicking the shit out of bullies and defending yourself. It’s hard to try to convey that to a kid who really doesn’t want to hurt anyone, tho. My two girls will reach that age soon, and I’ll have the same issue.


  33. You really made me think/re-evaluate my feelings and how to deal with that within this article. I am a Grandmother, so I’m a generation away from you, but I like to think very forward thinking. You were 100% right in responding to the teacher the way you did. (except for the foul language)

    I passed it around to some of the folks I work with, but I did put a warning on it concerning your language. It saddens me that you have chose to communicate in this manner. It’s your choice and I respect YOU for making the choice you made, but I do not appreciate/respect the language used.

    I’m just curious, do your children talk this way, your husband, your parents, your children’s teachers, your Pastor, your doctor? You must feel total freedom to express yourself that way.

    Good luck to you,
    Judie Brown


    1. Judie, I think it’s great that you’re willing to respect another person’s’ use of language even though you yourself don’t like it, but I find your question about whether doctors, pastors, etc. use that language around the author completely bizarre. Would a person need to be completely inundated with swearing from all avenues, all people in her life, in every situation, in order to be comfortable enough with swearing in her personal blog? Is the implication that because doctors, pastors, etc. most likely do not swear around her meant to imply that she shouldn’t either?

      Now, as someone who is inclined to swear I can tell you that most of us are completely capable of modifying our speech, as almost any person is. And it’s not just the swearing, most of us do it constantly depending on the formality of a situation or our familiarity with the person we’re talking to (for instance, in a relationship with a pastor or doctor, chances are that we’d take more care to use correct grammar, maybe throw in some fancier, highfalutin words). I would never swear in front of a child or someone I didn’t know well, with my college professors, in an interview or a range of other situations. But the fact that a person would excise swearing from their speech in some situations doesn’t mean that swearing must be wrong in itself, just like I don’t think it’s wrong to use more informal speech traits in informal situations. It’s all situation-dependent. My point at the end of all this is, even though the public is free to read the author’s blog and not everyone likes/approves of swearing, this is still a personal blog at the end of the day, and people are treating it like the language should echo that used with figures of authority, in formal situations, or whatever. Or seemingly completely missing out on the fact that all of us modify our language all the time.

      Sorry if I’m going on a tangent for things you didn’t mean to imply, but honestly, I see a kind of tone-deafness in discussions of swearing when it comes to context.


      1. Being comfortable swearing is how you know you have moved from a distant professional relationship to a close personal one. I guess we are all pals here!


  34. I adore you. And I am still pretty much disgusted at the responses to your previous post. I will print it out on duct tape and stick it to the face of the next person who says that feminism is done and we’re all equal now and women have it great. So great that even observing that a woman should not so much as EXPET to be punched and f*cked by the same person results in 1,000 comments worth of indignance and male defensiveness because maybe a while back, he smacked the shit out of some bitch he wanted and now he’s resentful at being made to consider that he just might possibly shouldn’t have done it.

    I’ll be sure to cover their mouth and nose, too. Because suffocating assholes to death is how I show them I like them.


  35. You know what I just thought of? I remember hearing a news article about a bunch of weird people who were trying to have “Schindler’s List” removed from a movie rental place because they were offended at the fact that it had naked butts in it.

    Of all the obscenities in that movie, the one thing that stood out to them was NAKED BUTTS. Shooting people willy-nilly? Genocide? Rampant mass murder? Naah, the naked butts were what really ticked them off.

    It’s no different from your last post. Raising women to expect being brutalized as foreplay? *yawn* Waitaminit, she said a bad word?! Now that’s going too far!

    Cream of fucking Jesus on toast. Some people’s priorities.


  36. I was afraid you REALLY were going to stop swearing in your blog. I’ve only been reading it for an hour – yes, I have devoted and entire hour in the middle of my day – but I love that you are REAL and have an ability to write how I think. Thanks and keep up the good fucking work!


  37. Of all the swear words, FUCK, is my favorite for the same reason – sooo many ways to use it!

    Plus it’s much more satisfying to say, “That FUCKING FUCKER fucking cut me off!” than it is to say, “Hey that meanie-head cut me off!”


  38. I don’t know about all of y’all, but to me “fuck” is the one word that helped me feel liberated from repressive sexism in much of my family/upbringing. I was raised religious, so obviously I had to be a perfect little lady. Fuck that! Fuck is now my favorite fucking word, and while I’m still too nice to say it around my mother-in-law, there’s no fucking way I would ever quite using it on my blog, facebook, twitter, etc. Fuck no, Imma fucking do what I wanna do! Ain’t no fucking way haters gonna make me be a sweet little 50s housewife. So done with that shit.


  39. “It isn’t my fucking job to shower you with glitter and unicorn piss.” Best line I have read on a blog EVER! You get a Gold Star for the fucking day! LOVE IT!


  40. Someone posted one of your loverly posts on FB… I reposted it. Now I will probably lose some friends over this. I do care but the message was so perfect I really have to let go and let it happen. Will you be my friend if everyone hates me now? : D


  41. First paragraph gave me a sinking feeling. I thought I had finally found a blog written by a normal person I can relate to , and now she’s going to cow-tow to those who would censor all of us. Second paragraph had me smiling again. I mean, the last time I checked we still had the freedom of speech and expression and this is YOUR blog. Can’t wait for more. Good on ya!!


  42. People are so odd. It is appropriate to say fricken but not fucking? You can type s*%t but not shit? You can say the “N-word” or ni**er but not nigger? What is the fucking difference? One is just a substitute for the other. Why is it people get so hung up on words? They are just fucking words. What difference does it make in an argument, if I call you a jerk, an ass, a retard or a fuck-head? They are all ways of me expressing my displeasure with you in some way. I agree that some places are less appropriate for cursing than others i.e. most workplaces, or at work in dealing with the public, etc but get the fuck over it! I’m so tired of the PC Police fucking worrying about everything that people do and say. You have no God-given or constitutional right not to be offended. If you don’t like the content, don’t read it. If you don’t like my language, don’t hang out with me or sit near me. I try to refrain most of the time in public or if children or my elders are near, but don’t give me the OMG – I’m appalled look if I happen to slip up and say Fuck near you or if I go off on some tourettes-like tangent because I am fucking pissed off.


  43. I just found ur blog yesterday and LOVE it!! I even went as far as to share ur post about punching in the fast on my blog AND linked back to you so that others can see ur great posts. I read alot of ur posts out loud to my husband last night and he is LOVING it! He and I both agree that u are reading our minds and putting it into a blog! You are now one of my favorite blogs! As far as u cursing too much. FUCK that! I LOVE it!!


  44. Yeah I gotta agree. Your blog, your rules. I’m glad someone finally addressed the issue of the whole “he likes you” thing too. I found that to be bullshit when I was a kid because I never saw a difference in the bullying. Think the only thing that should be addressed is why the bully is doing what they’re doing because sometimes they don’t have a good home life and take it out on others.


  45. Love this. Nothing I hate more than hearing “that’s not lady like” Well if I was TRYING to be a lady I guess I might not use it, but since I’m just fucking trying to get through today and into tomorrow I couldn’t give a rats ass about being lady like!

    And as Jack Sparrow would say “Drinks all around!”


  46. On a profanity filled blog, my first post is “awaiting moderation”. Is that for all posts or just ones with ‘flagged’ words in them? Just wondering? I might really begin to enjoy blogging!


  47. It’s a blog. The only measure for what language is “appropriate” in a blog is what is most comfortable for the author of the blog.

    If you want to pass along SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK to other people, that’s your choice. That person chose their words carefully to express their meaning exactly the way that they wanted to. That’s what writers do. And a blogger is a writer. If someone wrote something that you liked, chances are that they put thought and effort into writing it well. If you don’t like certain words, and IN YOUR OPINION the message would have been clearer/better/more acceptable with different words, well, fine, your are entitled to your opinion. But the writer chose ALL the words carefully — the ones you liked and the ones you didn’t. And your idea of what words she should have used instead would seem just as meaningless, incongruous and arbitrary to her as her “offensive” words seem to you.

    They’re all just words. “Fuck” is only offensive because our society has given it that weight. Because of some arbitrary assignment we gave it long ago, you can’t say “fuck” on most television shows. But you can say “screw,” “nail,” or “bang,” all of which are words with much more direct violent, aggressive imagery. There’s no reason why “shit” should be appalling but “poop” is cute. What makes the “bad words” bad? What makes them offensive? Only the people who choose to be offended because they’ve been told to be offensive. They’re all just words. And a writer in her own creative space uses the words that are best for her.

    I am also tired of hearing the “bad language is not creative” argument. If you would not complain about the lack of creativity in a piece of work that used “crap” in place of “shit” or “very” in place of “fucking,” then it’s not creativity you care about.

    My other issue is the way in which people approached this issue. I have to wonder if someone had said, “This is great, and I’d love to pass it on at my kid’s school, but the language might be a sticking problem. It’s perfect as-is for the blog, but would you consider doing a sort of “radio-edit” version for wider distribution?” if queenofthecouch might not have been happy to oblige. As opposed to, “This is pretty good, but it would be better if you did it the way I and people I know would like it,” or “I would like to appropriate your work for my purposes but your unacceptable word choices make it difficult.”

    The whole point of a blog is to represent the author’s specific point of view. She’s not running for office. She’s not recruiting followers for a religious movement. It’s neither her goal nor her problem to make her words more palatable for the greatest number of people. Her job is to just be herself and express herself. That’s it. FULL STOP, BITCHES.


    1. I presume most of your comments are aimed at me Jill, so I thought I’d send this quick reply. We live in a society where certain words have been given ‘rude’ or ‘offensive’ connotations. Therefore I would say that they are offensive. Using them means u will offend people, fact. The truth that other words can be twisted to mean offensive things also is not in question. But if they werent offensive words, they wouldnt provoke a reaction, and they wouldnt be used.

      I completely agree with your point about creativity, and as an editor, I never let my authors get away with using the word ‘very.’ In the same way, I truly think that bad language is a lack of expression, thats why I said it.

      I will remind you that I complimented the blog, and I didnt say a negative word about the writer. Surely it’s pretty ignorant of you to call anyone who is anti-cursing “Bitches” especially when we arent attacking you in the same way.

      The blogger has opened a topic about cursing. On purpose. I presume she didnt just want 95 responses saying “You’re 100% correct.” It’s a discussion based blogging site.


      1. elishevasokolic, I can see why you would think my comments were directed at you, so I apologize if you felt I was coming at you. I was actually more prompted by the comments in the previous thread (to the original blog post), and had been working up a head of steam over those when I saw that there was a new post dedicated to the cursing criticism. There were a lot of comments in the other thread along the lines of, “I would like to share this, but the language means I can’t,” or “People would listen to what you say more if you didn’t use offensive language.”

        Once I saw that queenofthecouch had posted specifically about the cursing issue, it seemed appropriate to put my comments in this thread rather than the previous one. I can see how things got a bit muddied by that call. I was really talking about criticizing someone’s language choices in a regular blog post. Obviously, when someone writes a post ABOUT their language choices, then commenting in response is a different thing.


      2. Whoops! I forgot to add that the problem with blanketing all profanity with the label of “uncreative” is that creativity is, to a certain degree, subjective. For instance, when I say, “Full stop, bitches,” I’m combining old-school telegraphic language with new-school drag lingo, which uses “bitches” not as a pejorative but as a term of affection. “Bitches” is used in a lot of (drag and non-drag) circle to just be synonymous with “girls” or “friends.” And that’s how I was using it — as a collective, affectionate sign out to everyone in the discussion. And I did that deliberately to make the point that usage is always evolving. Was that clear? Obviously not. And if I need to explain my meaning, then maybe I didn’t express it well enough. But language is always changing. How we use words is always changing. You can be creative with *any words,* good or bad, and whether words themselves are good or bad can and does change over time. Of course, as writers, when we choose our words to please ourselves, we know they are interpreted through the filter of the reader. So I can use my sassy, drag take on “bitch,” and you might interpret it as my calling you names. And that’s my responsibility, because it was my word choice. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that I shouldn’t continue to pick the words that most please me and use them the way that I like. It just means that I have to be ready for discussions like these, and willing to have them.


      3. “So I can use my sassy, drag take on “bitch,” and you might interpret it as my calling you names. And that’s my responsibility, because it was my word choice.”

        No, it absolutely is not your responsibility. It’s her responsibility for interpreting your comment the way she did. You cannot control how others hear what you say. Say it anyway. FULL STOP, BITCHES is funny as shit.


  48. Obscenities are the literary crutch of the inarticulate.

    Many of the points you make in your posts (like the “he likes you” one) are lost in the violent language and obscenity-laced tirades. I’m all for vitriol when it’s warranted…but when it’s used all too commonly, it becomes common place an loses it’s intended emphasis.

    The English language is vast and there are many words you could use to get your point across in a more mature manner, rather than constantly resorting to foul language.

    I would encourage you to not use obscenities as a literary crutch. Being both thoughtful and articulate at the same time is a sign of true intelligence.

    Feel free to respond with your usual FU response…that will simply prove my point.


    1. Inarticulate? Points “are lost in the violent language”? Surely you must be kidding? This blog post has just made its way even into and right through the German-speaking Twitter and Facebook communities. (Among others, I assume.) For the very reason that Queen of the Couch gets her point across just perfectly. It hit a nerve. It couldn’t possibly be any further from being inarticulate.


      1. I had read the post on the German Facebook community. I finished commenting on the first posting that said “I know those boys, too”, shared myself – and now I invite you to guess what happened a few minutes later?

        My daughter (13) came back from school early. She had been hit in the stomach and against her ribs by a boy. He came running from the far side of the yard only to hit her and another girl. As far as I learned until now he apologized immediately when he recognized my daughter was in pain, but nonetheless: This has to stop. And if I need to swear to put an end to this behaviour, I goddamn will.

        So the posting of queen clearly hits a nerve.


    2. Who has determined that those are “foul words”, you? I do not find them to be foul. Maybe that is YOUR problem, that you find them to be so.


  49. You forgot to mention “asshat” in your list at the end. It’s a personal favorite of mine and I noticed your usage of it right away. I feel like I owe you a thank you and congratulations for its publication.


  50. When will people realize that most blogs are meant for the authors to have a place to sound off for themselves?! If people want to read, so be it. But for fucks sake don’t try to dictate what a person should or should not post on their OWN damn blogs. Since when did the freedom of speech suppressors become a fucking cult? Fuck man go get a life people and click that nice large x at the top of your screen if you don’t like it.


  51. Unfortunately, you miss the point entirely. I’m not complaining about your use of obscenities, nor am I offended by your language. I’m simply making a point…or trying to…

    The point is, overusing obscenities points to an inability to properly articulate your thoughts. Your posts would have much more meaning and emphasis if you carefully chose your words in an articulate manner. Obscenities certainly have their place, but when over-used become diluted and lose any intended emphasis.


    1. “Your posts would have much more meaning and emphasis if you carefully chose your words in an articulate manner.”
      Assuming you are talking about yesterday’s original post…
      1. I struggle to conceive of a post with more meaning and emphasis.
      2. She bloody DID choose her words carefully.
      3. Who says that using swearwords is not articulate? As far as I know, articulate means as much as ‘clear’ or ‘easy to understand’. Merriam Webster has this to say: “expressed readily, clearly, or effectively”. I don’t see how by not using expletives, the message could have possibly been conveyed more clearly or more effectively than it was.


    2. Language, as used in this Blog, is a means of expressing emotional outrage, sarcasm and contempt. Sticking with conventional language would sanitize the message – this is not a social science course on sexual politics, it is a personal Blog. I love this fuckin’ Blog!


  52. hilarious. i read your first paragraph and i was kind of disappointed. i’m not a huge fan of cursing (but i grew up with it and i’m not opposed) but i actually really enjoyed your cursing and i felt that they were all well placed and expressive. excellent point that anyone who doesn’t want to read it has the right to close the window. you have great writing style!


  53. I believe we might be sisters separated at birth and now I’m just fucking pissed off that I never knew I had a sister after all these fucking years!!!


  54. You know what’s funny? I didn’t even notice the use of profanities in your last post until Ed drew my attention to it. Possible reasons for this:

    1. You used them appropriately and succinctly in order to get your point accross.

    2. Language is a beautiful thing and a means of expression that should be cherished and appreciated by everyone. The minute we (or others) start censoring ourselves is the minute we start losing a grip on that whole “freedom of speech” thing.

    3. I have just as much of a “potty-mouth” as you do and so the placement of swear words doesn’t jump out at me as strange or irrational, as a sudden insertion of a word from a foreign language might. Though to call it a “potty-mouth” is an insult to its capabilities, in my opinion.

    4. I was focusing on the intelligence and power of your words and your message, absorbing realizations that I unfortunately had not come to myself (having not been exposed to this ridiculous excuse for abusive behavious since I myself was a little girl), and feeling inspired to not only share your wisdom with my own daughters, when and if I ever have them, but also anyone and everyone I possibly can.

    5. All of the above.

    I’ve never been very good at multiple choice questions, but this one seems to be fairly straightforward.



  55. I was trying to comment on your “You didn’t thank me for punching you in the face” post, so I assumed you stopped the comment ability on it due to the feedback, but I have to say you’re fucking hilarious! I get told all the time that I curse worse than a sailor but to them I say, “And?” Last time I checked we were some grown ass woman and are perfectly capable holding an intelligent conversation without the use of such words, but what a boring conversation that’d be. Guess what, curse words aren’t actual curses….they’re fucking adjectives, nouns and verbs and awesome ones at that. Sometimes it just feels really good to say them and other times, without using them your feelings don’t get conveyed correctly. Get over it. Do I think you could have made your point (as in the aforementioned post) without the use of such wording? Yes, but I think don’t think the level of frustration and disgust you felt (or at least that’s what I got) would have been actually felt by those reading. That being said, I totally look forward to reading more post, past and future, once I can get my child to fall back asleep!


  56. I just found your blog because of the wonderful “Freshly Pressed” tab, and I can say I am legitimately upset that I am only just now finding this brilliant blog. You ma’am, are my hero.

    Your previous post was spot on, and as someone else said I didn’t even notice the profanity the first time around because you used it to make a point, not for shock value. There are right ways and wrong ways to use those words, and you have very obviously mastered that.

    And this post was just pure fucking genius. Especially the comment on the shower of “glitter and unicorn piss”. Fucking. Beautiful.

    Oh, and since I don’t have change for a dollar….fuckity fuck. There, now I owe you a flat dollar.


  57. I just found a pie chart that reminded me of this blog post. It’s simply a solid red circle and it says, “Why I curse so much”, and the corresponding color and statement says, “Because, fuck you”.


  58. At the risk of sounding like a crazed stalker, can I just say I FUCKING love you?? I’m also a stay at home mom who drops a few f-bombs every now and then. Just found your blog and it’s awesome.


      1. QOTC, there is a heaven for churchy people who never swear, a very quiet and boring place; there is a heaven for people like us, with some substantial partying going on and a motorcycle for me if I have been extra good in this life; hell is for the bad people – you are not going to hell.


  59. Whew! Don’t scare me like that! For a moment, I thought you really had caved. LOL!

    A few of my favorites I’d like to donate to the cause: Fuckwad. Fuckwit. And fucktard. These are not copyrighted, so, enjoy! And rock on wit cha bad self.


  60. You scared me there for a moment with that jar.

    Did I miss something?
    Did reading your blog suddenly become mandatory?
    Doesn’t the bible say something like “If the blog offends thee, move the fuck onto something else?”
    Maybe I’m remembering it wrong.

    (You are utterly wrong about cats versus dogs, though.)


  61. HAHAHAHAHAAA, this shit is hilarious. I just found you today, and I totally believed you in the first paragraph. Then when I got to the second, that is when I became a true fan.

    I like the word jack-hole. It’s not *quite* dirty, but it’s still a good one.


  62. LOVE you and your blog. we would totally be bffs. i can’t believe people are seriously giving you shit over your language. just because we are parents doesn’t mean we cant say fuck shit piss.

    thank you for being a fucking AMAZING parent who actually cares. your last post was phenomenal.


  63. I fucking love it you sound like me are you adopted??maybe your my twin FUCK is my fav word I get told to stop with the F bomb all the time I think if others get offended just appoligize ahead of time like
    ” I am sorry but if you dont like what I say then dont listen”blah blah fuck blah blah fucking etc etc But I think they are just jealous and you have more of an exciting life and theirs FUCKING suck so they nit pick you KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK


  64. Next time someone has the balls to say anything, tell them “I don’t cuss like a sailor….. I cuss like a Marine!” Works for me everytime!


  65. I guess we can all choose how we want to sound. I, personally, wish to sound educated. Therefore, I don’t swear. You’re also most likely educated, but I can’t tell from the language you use.

    Also, you come across as extremely angry, but if you don’t care then I guess it doesn’t matter.


    1. As someone who is due to embark on a PhD after achieving a 1:1 at undergrad and a Distinction at Master’s level, let me be the first to tell you to fuck yourself. The offensiveness of words like “fuck” and “shit” is purely arbitrary and only tenuously linked to meaning (otherwise people would also use “sex” and “feces” as swear words).

      Personally, what I find offensive is bigoted language, boys being encouraged to act violently toward girls, and pathetic marriage-obsessed idiots trying to score cheap points off people who are clearly much better bloggers than them.

      Again, fuck you. Good spelling and grammar don’t make you sound educated. Being able to use your own fucking brain does. Fuck off and read a book for once. You’re giving education a bad name.


      1. Let’s go through your points one by one:

        Firstly, congratulations on your PhD. That is no small accomplishment. I know people with PhDs. They appear intelligent because they don’t swear. They convince people of their points using evidence. Gaining attention through the shock value of swearing isn’t necessary for them.

        I agree that violence against girls is bad; in fact, I commented on the original post.

        I’m not sure that wanting to get married one day makes me obsessed, but you can call it what you want.

        If I was trying to score points then I would have agreed. In terms of a bad blogger versus a good blogger, we’d have to do an analysis of what qualities place a blogger in either category.

        I think you’ll find that good grammar and spelling do make one sound educated. And, as an almost-university grad, I expect that I’m as good as using my brain as the average person. I also read a lot of books, which might have already been implied by my mentioning I’m an almost-university grad.

        How am I giving education a bad name? Didn’t you just say I wasn’t educated?


      2. @Westsidesingleton,

        “Good spelling and grammar don’t make you sound educated.”

        My apologies. To clarify, I should have said “Good spelling and grammar *alone* don’t make you sound educated.” Following the proscriptive rules of your native language is actually a fairly easy thing to do. Understanding the deeper properties of your language–for example, the semiotics of swearing–takes a little extra.

        “I know people with PhDs. They appear intelligent because they don’t swear. ”

        Nope, they appear intelligent because they have three plus years of research experience in their chosen field. Truthfully, I don’t think you know many people with PhDs if you think that none of them swear. Perhaps you’ve just never seen one marking undegraduate work? Or coming out of a meeting with a difficult supervisor?

        Let’s be clear: not swearing does not make you stupid. Individuals have a choice in what kind of language they use, and it is true that swearing can be construed as inappropriate in some situations. But putting a blanket value judgement on swearing in all contexts? And getting snotty about it? On someone’s personal blog that nobody is actually forcing you to read? That’s stupid. That shows you don’t understand a thing about the language you use every day.

        You can spell, yes, and you can at least pretend to construct an argument even though I’m not sure you entirely understand it, kind of like a monkey stacking letter blocks. So I think you’re probably telling the truth about being an undergrad. But your reply didn’t make you sound educated. It just made you sound snotty, spiteful, passive-agressive, and truthfully, a little bit pathetic. “I don’t swear because swearing doesn’t make you sound EDUCATED and I want to sound EDUCATED even though I haven’t even got my first degree and I will probably never contribute ANYTHING of value to the world.”

        By the way, I read your blog out of morbid curiosity, and I think you are obsessed. “I plan to be married within three years”? Christ on a bike. You’re basically shitting on the efforts of every educated, intelligent woman I know to be taken seriously. Here’s some advice for free: why don’t you concentrate on a bit of self-improvement first? Or perhaps examine some of your preconceptions so you sound less like a stuck-up little Stepford wannabe with an overinflated view of your own intelligence?


    2. Honestly.

      You don’t sound educated. You sound prissy and not like someone I want to hang out with.

      When you say “I, personally, wish…” it sounds like you’re trying too hard. We writers call that a “lofty” tone. It means you overreached. It means self-consciousness. It means the people reading can tell that you’re trying to sound something that you actually aren’t.

      One thing we learn after years of education is that we are, as More and Erasmus said, most divine when we are most ourselves.

      Sometimes my fabulous self likes a good swear word now and then.

      Don’t strive to be educated, or worse still to sound that way.

      Strive to be human.


      1. I think Spencer Kimball said it best when he said, “Profanity is the feeble attempt of a weak mind to express itself forcefully.”

        If you take two similarly educated people, have one swear and one not, and ask people who sounds more educated, I expect that they would answer the latter.


        1. Sadly, your arguments for the concept of ‘sounding educated through not swearing’ are flawed, as has been pointed out by others more eloquent than I. It’s possible that you may be confusing the unrestrained use of crass vernacular with the value of an expletive as a vehicle for conveying emotion. Maintaining a derisive position that equates swearing with ill-education doesn’t portray you to be educated – it portrays you to be arrogant, pompous, and disdainful.


      2. @WestSideSingleton

        Hmm, let’s try this. Which sentence sounds more educated to you?

        “The etymology of the word ‘fuck’ is hard to trace because its usage has always been largely colloquial, but regardless of origin, it is a fucking brilliant way to express the pain of a stubbed toe.”


        “One day I’ll be married, most likely within three years.”



      3. WSS – the non swearing one would probably sound more pompous. I have 2 degrees and have been known swear like a trooper. People should assess intelligence by the quality of the ideas expressed rather than polite language used in expressing them. It is a mistake to confuse intelligence with education, as the two only occasionally coincide.


  66. Blogs that discuss the types of things that you discuss, sans profanity, are a dime a dozen. Nothing is lost on me because of the profanity. It resonates with me because of it. And what’s up with people that want to share, but “can’t” because of the profanity?. Can they not just initiate an intelligent discussion with someone without having to give them a fucking textbook to go by?
    This is how it’s done——>”Hey, I read this blog about how girls shouldn’t be taught that violence is a sign of affection. It had some really valid points. Here’s what they are.”


  67. I’ve found a lot of the discussion in your last two posts really fascinating (and a lot of it depressing as all hell — why I usually don’t participate in online discussions these days because they become so ugly, it’s completely demoralizing). Anyway, I just wanted to say good for you for sticking to your guns on this particular issue because I find some of the reactions just nuts. I hope you don’t mind that I’ve gone on some total tangents, but I’m super interested in sociolinguistics and discussions of swearing. Anyway, uh, keep on truckin’. 🙂


  68. I love your post. Following someone’s blog is entirely optional. If they don’t like your style of communication, Go to Hell. I’m glad that you are standing up for yourself. All the nicey, nicey, life is beautiful, turn the other cheek crap is overflowing in blogland.


  69. Don’t forget douche canoe! One of my favorites.
    I actually discovered your blog because of that post. I decided to come back and see more of your stuff, and was saddened when I thought you were seriously going to stop saying FUCK because of those comments. Fuck those fuckers!


  70. Abso-fucking-lutely.

    I just discovered your blog (on the “you didn’t thank me” post) and was concerned when I first started reading this one.

    So fucking glad the first part was pure sarcasm. 😀


  71. I am so offended! You are so abusive! Why can’t you talk like a lady? Nobody will ever take you seriously talking that way!
    JUST FUCKING KIDDING! I’m just pulling your dick. I fucking love you! Look, I’m waaay too fucking lazy to read all of those comments so if it’s been said I’m sorry for the fucking repetition. It’s YOUR fucking blog. I will never fucking understand people who read fucking blogs they don’t like. Nobody is fucking making them so why do they fucking do it? If I don’t like a blog I don’t fucking read it and I sure as fuck don’t leave fucking comments on how much I don’t like. What a fucking waste of time! Fuck is one of my favorite words, too. It’s a stress reliever to say the word fuck.


  72. I was in the Navy for ten years and let us just say that my word of choice is Fuck. I get told non-stop I have a sailor’s mouth. To which I reply, “No, fucking shit! You serve for 10 years as a sailor and see how clean your mouth is!” I was lead to your blog on “You didn’t thank me for punching you in the face!” tonight by a fellow military friend and loved it. Read it to the hubby, that laughed his ass off. Then I read him this blog; to which he said “she sounds like you!” Thank you for the laugh, FUCK YEAH!!!


  73. My friend posted a link to the blog post before this…. Anyway, I love reading blogs. LOVE IT>< especially if they are fun to read! here i was thinking i'd end my night watching tv and no! it ended reading your fantastically entertaining blog! If they had grammys for the blog, you would win:) thanks for putting yourself out there!


  74. A friend posted your previous entry on facebook. I thought it was awesome. Then I read this and realized that you are not awesome. You are FUCKING awesome! I’m subscribing to your blog and can’t wait to see what you have to say next! P.S. Way to go on being a champion for your daughter! I don’t have kids, yet, but I think I can learn a thing or two from you.


  75. I LOVE YOU! I was disappointed for a second that you were going to change your language. Thank you for staying true to who you are!! Profanity does not make you any less of a person with righteous beliefs. We just have more fire! Bring it!


  76. Language well used! If the powerful word selection is the only thing your opponents complain about then you’ve already won. Congratulations on a superb essay! Kudos on ignoring their argumentum ad hominem.


  77. It is a sign of the times that several young people do not see anything wrong in using certain words which belong to foul language.
    The problem comes from the many American series where swearing seems to be a normal thing and a lot of people think they are more important , for others it is a way to hide their weakness because they did not have a proper or higher education, it shows then their lower standard of eduction.

    I wonder why this generation don’t hold anything like curse words back. How is it possible that certain people think it makes their entries more enjoyable and that it would give more of a sense of legit connecting communication?

    Do they not have enough vocabulary to give their words power?


    1. I wonder how Marcus Ampe don’t know proper grammar but choose to advise several young people in legit connecting communication? Perhaps it a way to hide weakness when they did not have a proper or higher education.

      It is a sign of the times.


    2. Marcus, I’m a young person, mostly likely younger than many of these people, I don’t swear. I hope it gives you some hope for the future that not all young people are like the commenters here. 🙂


  78. Fuck yes!! I love you and oh so many of the amazing bitches who’ve commented here. For those few of you stupid enough to think cursing is about education or vocabulary, eat donkey shit.


  79. LMFAO I Fucking Love this Post!!! This was awesome, I made a page with a warning saying something like this. But this was more awesome!!!!


  80. For anyone out there who is offended by swearing in blogs like this, I just wrote a thoughtful reply to one of the objections on the previous post which addresses this issue without ‘resorting’ to using a single swear word.

    Read it here.

    I still manage to rip the objection to ‘flipping’ shreds though 😉


  81. y’all have left out my favorite curse word: the dreaded C!! So fuck all those cunts who don’t like profanity. I fucking love that shit!


    1. I guess we all have limits – C is one word I find completely vile, never use it and cringe when I hear it. That’s just me, I wouldn’t dream of barring anyone from using it, though I would just as happy to never hear it spoken or see it written. That is a whole other discussion, knock yourself out if you feel differently.


  82. Wahoo! What a shit storm this turned out to be… oh wait, did I just use a curse word? 😉 I’ve never been to your blog before, but I’m in a Triberr tribe with you, saw the name of your post and was intrigued. I got here, read the first paragraph, and thought, “Oh no, oh no, no, no… don’t give in…” And then I read further and breathed a sigh of relief.

    I generally do feel for the people who are deeply and viscerally upset by curse words…whatever caused them to feel that way had to have been horrible. However, it’s clearly not your responsibility to make sure everyone feels comfortable when they’re here. This is your place, and you’re not obliged to hand visitors and feel-good pass when they arrive. But you know that.

    You are who you are. People will either love you or hate you, but the most important point is this–having integrity means staying true to who you are. So many people “sell out” due to peer pressure, and when that happens, their work goes quickly into the shitter. Just look at what happened to George Lucas with the new Star Wars films… UGH!! But perhaps I digress..

    I’m glad you’re not afraid to show who you really are. There’s enough people-pleasers in the world already. What we need these days are original, fearless voices!

    All the best to you! I’ll definitely be back!
    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood


  83. A-fucking-men lady! I just found your blog and I fucking love it! Keep up the great fucking work and I look forward to reading future swear word infested blogs!


  84. After reading your last post comments, I was so worried that you would back down from it. But you didn’t, so AMEN! I’m sorry if my language offends someone. But you know what offends me? Censorship. Great job on the post.


  85. It’s a good thing that they are offended. If they weren’t, the words would not drop off your tongue (or fingertips) with nearly as much satisfaction.

    Have a fucking great day.


  86. I would have lost respect for you if you had let others tell you how to talk. It’s not the words you use, it’s the impact your ideas have on the world. You have good ideas so fuck any and all else. 😉


  87. I think your blog is FUCKING FUNNY!!! FUCK anyone who thinks otherwise!!! I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes because I’m laughing so FUCKING hard!!!! keep going.. and FUCK THEM hater’s!!!!


  88. I *just* found your blog (with a link to the post about boys abusing girls as affection). Then I saw this title and had to click. At first I was all bummed to “hear” you were cleaning up your act. lol Yay for FUCK! My favorite word, too!


  89. I said it in the last thread, I’ll say it here..Keep doing you! I love this and now I have to go back and read from the beginning. Damn you!

    I don’t understand why people are more sensitive to your use of language than they are about the issue. Then have the unmitigated gall, the audacity, the temerity to tell you it’s unladylike to swear…on YOUR blog! YOUR space. That you should change it so it’s more palatable to them. Seriously? That’s like walking up in someones house and telling them to redecorate it. I’ll be damned. Like a commenter a ways up said: Full Stop, bitches. Get the fuck outta here!

    And the *glitter and unicorn piss* so stolen.


  90. Forget the fucktards and asshats. Your previous post was awesome. Your “Neat Comments” post is proof that the language complaints aren’t really about language.
    You are my new favorite blogger.


  91. i want you to know i have never followed a blog but after reading just a few of your entries i am now following you. You are awesome!


  92. It’s so much easier to admonish someone to behave like a lady than it is to address difficult social issues.

    What your detractors didn’t notice was the irony of derailing your expression of opinion with their admonitions to “be nice.”

    As if “being nice” wasn’t what got us into the fucking situation in the first place.


  93. I love your blog so much. Case in point: “It isn’t my fucking job to shower you with glitter and unicorn piss.” Exactly. YOU are awesome. Unicorn piss needs to be copyrighted by you.


  94. That is cunting stupid. Cunty cunt cunt. Hahaah. Oh, I am so funny All the ways I can use cunt in a sentence. So cunt-a-rific. The can go cunt themselves if they think I am going to give a cunt about their views. This is my cunty view. Suck a dick and other things I find liberating to say ’cause I felt stiffled as a child. Look at me go being all expressive and shit and sprouting words and words and words.

    Oh crap. Are some people totally fine with the word fuck in all its forms and would belittle anyone that would express feeling uncomfortable with it and then say that cunt is pushing it too far and would never dream of writing it. Man, I am going to fall off my chair laughing.

    I would compare the first paragraph I wrote to be akin to beautiful graffitti – (The tagging crappy kind that only the graf artist tagging it finds zany, cool, expressive and in your face). Others find it to be an unnecessary pollution, self indulgent and inartistic.

    I don’t care to go back and correct my spelling or grammar in this post as it is MY post and MY opinion. I don’t care how educated or uneducated you think I am. It is MINE and it doesn’t matter that I put it on the world wibe web. Wahooo what a ride of liberating sprouting of my opinions as a troll on the web – weeeeeeee.


  95. HAHAHAHAHAH… This is why I hate people. Being your sister, we all talk this way in the family. Boys will be boys, even as grown ups they still talk about their weiners in great detail.. Just like little girls talk about boobies.. It happens. To anyone who finds this offensive, what my sister is posting, shut the fuck up and go somewhere else instead of constantly going around the internet and putting your 2 cents in where it isn’t wanted or needed. It’s a free county, people can post what they want on the internet. I’m having a baby girl in May and when she gets older, I hope she knows she has boobies and talks about them. I will laugh, and it will make my day.


  96. off course you are free to express yourself as you please… it’s just sad that on the previous post, which had a brilliant and important point to make and which should be heard, you undermine your own message by being offensive.


  97. The language wasn’t my issue at all. The way you condone and even encourage violence for little girls and for yourself (in beating up other parents) was what bothered me. Violence is violence whether it comes from a boy or girl. There are better responses to being picked on than potentially sterilizing a child. Calmer heads prevail 🙂


    1. You took it as me condoning violence rather than recognizing that I was illustrating a point. We tell our daughters that “boy hit you because he likes you” but if I were to strike the adult that gave the advice, no one would assume or believe it was out of gratitude, much less affection. You, like several others, missed the point. We disregard violence amongst children as normal, rather than see that we need to teach them the appropriate way to interact.


      1. Quotes straight from your piece:

        “If you try and feed MY daughter that crap, you better bring protective gear because I am going to shower you with the brand of “affection” you are endorsing.”

        “I want my daughter to know that the boy called her ugly or pushed her or pulled her hair didn’t do it because he admires her, it is because he is a little asshole and assholes are an occurrence of society that will have to be dealt with for the rest of her life.”

        “Fuck off. I am going to punch you in the face but I hope you realize it is just my way of thanking you for the great advice you gave my daughter.”

        I didn’t miss the point you explained a very good point one that I happen to agree on; however, you confuse the issue by suggesting that violence is okay in some situations and it really isn’t, unless of course it is life or death. Which we really aren’t talking about here.


        1. So, you just want to argue semantics? I’m just gonna refer you back to previous discussions on hyperbole, satire and other forms of literary rhetoric. If you choose to believe that I LITERALLY punch and slap people, so be it. None of the quotes you provide contradict my previous response.


  98. “One fucking day I fucking fucked this fucking hot fucking fuckwit girl. After that fuck fest I fucking went fucking home and fucking found my fucking dog was fucking missing. I Said “What The Fucking Fuck.” So I set the fuck out to find the fucked up little fucker. As I fucking walked along the fuckwit street to find the dirty fucking cock sucker I fucking saw my best fucking bud Pete “the motherfucker” Faris. So fucking I fucking walked to the fucking park and I fucking found that fucked up little fucktardy fuck and I fucking had a fuckingly fucktarded fuckragenous fucked up good fucking day. Fuck you.”


  99. Thank you so much! I so appreciate you putting it out there and being real. I’m a pediatrician and try hard to support the families I work with. The “You forgot to thank me” post reminded me of the disservice we do to our kids by letting stuff like that fly. Keep up the good work!


  100. You`re right, your blog, your rules. First amendment and freedom of speech and all that but it does make you sound kind of stupid. The 16 year old behaviour students I work with use those words too and it they don`t sound any smarter either.

    It take a good writer and a clever person NOT to swear.

    But yes, yes, your right, I`m going to that magical little red x now…


    1. Too true.. I hope YOU’RE not teaching my children. I would really rather my kids use the word fuck in every other sentence than not know proper English. Things like knowing the difference between their, there, they’re… and your, you’re are SOOOOOOOOO much more fucking important in life and “sounding intelligent” than whether or not someone uses some swear words. Good night! A teacher? Really? For shame old lady, for shame.


      1. As far as I’m concerned proper mastery of the English language isn’t about abandoning the vernacular or refraining from colloquial speech. Crass words are a perfectly fine part of everyday conversation.

        Know the rules. Know how they sound. Know when it would be natural to abandon or bend the rules within the context of dialogue and discourse. Don’t stop talking like a fucking person.


  101. I think children should be parented in a manner that encourages respect and thoughtfulness. I also feel strongly that adults need to be treated in a manner which encourages respect and thoughtfulness. I don’t think bullying, verbally or physically, is a reasonable way to achieve either of these things. That being said, queenofthecouch, I was happy to read your previous blog, as it addressed an issue which I think is overlooked. In fact, I embarrassingly, suggested to someone that a bullying child just had a crush on another not too long ago. Probably for the same reason I used to think putting butter on a burn was a good idea. When I was a kid someone said that to me. And your blog has enlightened me. You may be wondering why I am putting this reply in this blog and not in the other one. Mostly, its because I found the other blog reply section getting monotonous. But partly because, as an adult I feel obligated to challenge this blog. Its like you went from being really insightful to being a bully in a matter of hours. I don’t understand how you can be so rightfully outraged by your daughter being bullied to being so purposefully disrespectful of other’s opinions. I suppose its obvious from your previous blog that you think calling people names and cursing are reasonable forms of communication. (I find your reference to little boys as “assholes” as awful as calling little girls “bitches”. I don’t feel these names are empowering at all, but thats just my opinion.) You may very well be an intelligent and empowered person, but this makes you seem rude and abusive. And I don’t like either of these qualities. I’m certainly not suggesting you should do anything different, but as an adult who was drawn to your blog, I thought you might appreciate my honesty. Aside from my curiosity regarding any reply this post might invite, I doubt I will read anymore of your writings. I think I can find similar insight expressed by adults who are more thoughtful and respectful than your posts seem to be.


    1. Umm. She is defending her writing style. I highly doubt she goes around calling little boys assholes to their faces any more than she would actually punch someone in the face. Writing is sometimes a way to express the feelings that we have to hold back so society doesn’t lock us up for breaking some arbitrary etiquette that decided fuck was a bad word. It’s a word. From now on I say the word “bunnies” is a swear word. Who’s with me?


  102. I hate it when people complain about others using swear words. Especially since there’s probably a damn good chance that they use those same words! Like parents for example. If you don’t want your kid to swear, DON’T SWEAR IN FRONT OF THEM. Of course, growing up *I* used to be the one to get my mom for cursing in front of me. I’d be all “That’s a bad word, mommy.” and she’d say “You’re right, I’m sorry,” or if she said hell, crap, or damn, she would say “That’s not a bad word~” I never swear in front of my parents (although I did slip and say dammit in front of my dad the other day, but I’m not sure he heard, because he laughed), but my mom is always like “If you use bad language in front of me, I’ll kill you.” One day, I think I will swear in front of her, just for the lolz. Then, if she complains (which, knowing her, she will) I’ll just say “You said that in front of me all the time when I was a kid.”
    But, seriously, when I have kids, if I slip up and curse in front of them, I won’t get mad at them if they curse. Because it will most likely be my fault. I’ll explain to them that they shouldn’t say those words, but honestly, I won’t punish or yell at them. That would be stupid. That would be like saying “You can yell at me when I say those words too.”
    I mean, really. Why would you get upset about someone using “foul” language if you probably do yourself? It’s rediculous.
    Of course, I do admit that I honestly try to avoid the words “fuck” and “shit.” Those are the only two I try my best not to say.


  103. This is why I love you so fucking much Christie L….. Haha I won’t go fucking there as you know were I live. Rock on with your bad ass self. You are a top bitch.. If people do not like it I have only three things to say. SUCK IT BITCHES!!! Have a absolutley fucking fabulous day!!


    1. Ok I am a fucking idiot thinking this was my friends blog. It is to fucking early. Anyway I will be following you because you seem so fucking awesome too.


  104. dosen’t look like your mom & dad did a good job raising you. i’m sure your dad would turn over in his grave if he heard you potty mouth.may god touch your heart


    1. Because swearing or not swearing is the only measure of how good a person’s parents were as parents. Honesty, self-respect, self-discipline, responsibility, good citizenship–none of those mean a fucking thing about how you were raised, noooo, it’s all about whether or not you use any of a certain set of about 15 impolite words on the Internet.


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