Posted in Parenting and Random Shit

Neat Comments from My Readers

I’m done deleting and inadvertently protecting these kind of assholes: says:

Someday someone is going to push your daughter’s head up against a wall and fuck her in the ass.
And she’s going to like it.
Just like you do.

I assume this is a rational response to my blog?


I am a stay at home mother with 4 children. I drink a lot of wine and curse like a sailor.

82 thoughts on “Neat Comments from My Readers

  1. What is wrong with these people? Do they, maybe, imagine they are being entertaining? Surely they wouldn’t speak to you like that if they met you? Am I naive?


      1. Being a foster parent for years, I discovered that even youngsters can say the most unspeakable things. In a way I hope that was the case with the email you received as it seems less threatening somehow.

        As a side note, I thought I would let you know that because of your humorous, colourful posts, I’m blogging once again. Guilt made me walk away and your humour brought me back! (probably the expletives! lol) So thanks!


    1. Everything is wrong with these people. I don’t think they’d ever leave the house, as they probably cannot bear sunlight. Good luck getting the resolution.


  2. I don’t know about posting the person’s email, but since you have it, I would talk to my local police department. That happens to be a violent sexual threat to a minor. I am pretty darn sure they are illegal. I hope your local police can do something for you. I am horrified than *anyone* would say that about *any* young girl.


      1. I certainly hope someone can help you with this. As horrifying as I find this, I can only imagine how terrifying and angry it makes you as a parent! I love your sarcastic and witty posts, but as every other person, if I did/do not like your opinions or the way you state them, I would chose not to read them. *hugs* Good luck with a resolution.


      2. Just FYI – if you google this asshole’s email address, one of the things that comes up is this link:, which, if you’ll notice, has a link to a photobucket account that appears to belong to someone with a matching username (to the email)… I’m not saying it’s the same person, of course, but it is an interesting coincidence, and one that you might like to pass on to your local police (or the feds).

        I do hope that you are successful in having this asshole charged and convicted. Threats of sexual violence are never okay, especially against children. There are some inmates that would be dee-lighted to make this guy’s acquaintence. And a sex offender registry that should have his name and picture on it.



        1. Thanks. I’ll keep everyone posted if it goes anywhere. Sad that there are these kinds of people out there. If this is how he reacts to a blog, I’d hate to see what he’d say/do in real life if he came across someone that offended him.


    1. He is right, this person is either a violent sexual offender or is likely to be one some day. Police and social services should be aware of this guy – if he actually has young children of his own, social services will want to investigate potential risk to them.


  3. I really, really hope that you don’t say in your blurb that you will never post anyone’s email address. I would hate to think this individual could turn things around and you would be in the wrong (on a technicality). My guess would be this is a man with very few, if any, friends. Possibly in his thirties with a dead beat job and probably still living at home with a domineering mother. I would imagine that if he has even ever had a girlfriend, he either can’t perform sexually at all, or at least cannot maintain an erection. I admire your strength of character girl!! 🙂


  4. Good for you for not protecting these people anymore by deleting their remarks. Now everybody knows who he is. And you are not alone. And he knows it. Everybody who has read this has his number, literally.


  5. Metaljacket……uneducated, uncouth, Billy no mates. Totally agree with Spacecat.
    Take off the “metaljacket” change it for a straightjacket, people that get a kick out of posting that kind of drivel should be locked up. Frustrated, selfloathing arsehole!


  6. WTF?! So Id like to say Im speechless, but Im not. I actually have a number of choice things Id engage in a dialogue with this one on* he more than likely cant comprehend the verbiage used on this blog so it would be a waste of time*, however, my guess is Spacecat is closer than she thinks. Only thing missing is I doubt he has a girlfriend. More likely a boyfriend who sticks it to HIM in that manner and he feels guilty and knows he is twisted, because HE likes it so he wants to mirror that on you since he cant handle the his own inadequacy as a human. This idiot is clearly disturbed. Stupidity is infectious and this person has obviously gotten his share of the disease, among others Im sure. Criminal-not likely going to get much on that unfortunately. Id leave the posts up just so your followers can rip these peoples heads off when they say something unwarranted such as this. Better yet-ignore them. They want a long list of responses so they have something to do for an hour with their pathetic lives. You are talented, clever, witty, smart and LOVED. HE is NOTHING to ANYONE obviously. So technically – he doesnt even count in the equation. Keep blogging my dear.


    1. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and I guess it was unintentional, but your words do sound rather nastily homophobic in the phrasing of “More likely a boyfriend who sticks it to HIM in that manner and he feels guilty and knows he is twisted, because HE likes it so he wants to mirror that on you since he cant handle the his own inadequacy as a human.
      Please can we clarify that there is nothing wrong with anal sex or with sex between two men — the issue here is the sheer awfulness of the original person’s comment suggesting forcing it violently on a child. Nothing about that comment suggests the writer was gay or that his violent, horrific suggestion should be related to homosexuality. There are enough ad hominems here without dragging “the gays” into it… I was myself horrified to read someone had reacted to your blog post in that way.
      I hope I have expressed this in a respectful way. I’m not generally over-sensitive to these things. Sheryl’s response just shocked me as a similarly unnecessary, vitriolic, and unprovoked attack on homosexuals.


      1. Thanks for saying what I wanted to say Orange, it is indeed a sad situation that opinions can’t be voiced without the threats to an innocent child, but its absolutely no excuse to suggest that this person is bad, meaning gay and perverted. Its offensive to a whole realm of people who in no way deserve it!


      2. Hi Orange! FWIW I’m gay, and did not see Sheryl’s post as homophobic, nor take offense to it. I believe her reference to the troll enjoying such a sexual assault was focused on the violence of it, the pushing of someone’s head against the wall to forcibly sodomize him or her – not the same-sex connection. Imagine the troll were a woman, and Sheryl wrote the exact same post about her, then you might read it as I did. Maybe it’s a little sexist, in implying that only a man would commit a rape that violent, but, hell, probably 98% of such is committed by male perps.


  7. Wow. Pass that along to the FBI, he’s probably wanted somewhere. Just wanted to let you know I read, but I’m not tweeting this via Triberr because I don’t want to give that d-bag any publicity whatsoever.


  8. What the fuck is wrong with people? I cannot begin to imagine which porn this douchebag was watching proir to reading your blog to come up with this shit!


  9. I only can think of a few possibilities as to why someone would take the time to write that post:
    1) They thought it was funny. So for me, that’s a fail.
    2) They wanted to offend you for the sake of it.
    3) They actually mirror what they wrote in their behavior towards others.

    If it is 1), 2) or 3) then clearly this person isn’t all there. Not firing on all cylinders. A couple of cards short of a deck.

    *shakes head and sighs*


  10. I would continue to investigate what you can do about it, but I think it’s a bad idea to make the comment into his own blog post. Proving comments is already difficult because they can be easily manipulated. I would certainly not give him this kind of public attention, especially if you are serious about investigating it. Consideration should be given to whether you want these words directed toward your daughter on the internet for all eternity. I would not. It may have been better to keep it in your comment file unapproved while investigating it.

    Also, readers attacking him back in your comments or emailing him is likely not going to help anything. It just makes us look like we’re on the same level.

    Just my 2 cents. Good luck with however you find to handle this.


  11. Oh, dear. Report that IP address to your local police or FBI. That is just not right.

    And – STOP READING THEM. Get your hubby or a friend to weed through the comments for a while. You do not deserve to see that kind of negativity.

    You are an awesome person and a great mother. Concentrate on the positive feelings your posts inspired in others. 🙂


    1. If your husband is anything like me, I vote for getting a friend to do it. If my wife was receiving comments like this from a blog, and she shared those comments with me, I would end up in a murderous rage. She is better at ignoring assholes, while my protectiveness gene kicks into overdrive. I am not normally an aggressive person, but God help you if you threaten my family.

      Unfortunately, having a blog go viral to any degree will attract trolls like moths to a flame, and the security blanket of anonymity encourages them to say the vilest things imaginable. Some are just mean-spirited jerks, and others, like metaljacket53, are exponentially worse. I hope you follow through with sending the authorities his way. He deserves whatever pile of shit you can throw in his lap.


  12. Wow. Major line crossed! Seriously, metaljacket!?! This is beyond human and you should seek psychological assistance at the closest facility immediately. Talk about missing the point of blogging, the point of the blog and missing the social boundaries on social media. People like this should be denied access to the internet.


  13. I found your blog because a FB friend posted the link about what not to say to a pregnant woman, hilarious by the way! I just wanted to tell you that I have read through several posts, and you are now my new favorite blogger!!!


  14. Definitely report him, to whomever and everyone you can. I don’t know if he’s a pedophile, but I’m pretty sure he’s a rapist. Normal people don’t talk like that, and they especially don’t think it’s perfectly normal.


  15. lately, when people do and say these things i have been pondering what would it be like if we were a small tribe, instead of a faceless multi-billion-people world. and, anthropologically speaking, i have concluded that they would be “set afloat on icebergs” in order to protect the integrity and survival of the small group, since no group could survive with violence like this directed against its people. i do not advocate violence or death penalties, as my comment might imply….but i do think that our faceless world allows this to continue out of control. this is not free speech, this is violence. as long as we protect the privacy of these people, they will continue. there is something deeply wrong with men who do and say these things and i support you in no longer “protecting” people who can be so vile. you should only be concerned with protecting yourself and your daughter. do not be silent. i am so glad that your voice is being heard.


  16. What kind of a perverted, low down, sick animal says something like that. Needs to be institutionalized…S.O.B!!!! These are the kind of faceless wimps who hide behind the anonymity that these forums provide them and try and show how “manly” they are. They don’t realize that they come across as sick, offensive, dregs of society that need to be sent away to some place faaar faaar away!!!!!


  17. I commented once already, but it seems to me that I didn’t make my point forcefully enough. So, to, and speaking as a male and more general as a member of the human race:

    Stop that shit. You’re making us look bad. Seriously. That sort of comment is reprehensibly immoral. There is no reason why anyone should ever think it’s okay to say anything like that to someone else. If I had your information, I’d report you myself.

    You want to disagree, go right ahead. You want to complain, go right ahead. But threatening rape? No. Just, no.

    Stop that. And while you’re at it, seek professional help.


        1. Oh please. Have you ever spoken to the police about anything like this? I have and that’s what they told me. Maybe it’s different in different parts of the country, and while I think it was a really dumb thing to post, I doubt it still wouldn’t be a threat, per se. Maybe yoiu should check on it and post it somewhere, okay?


  18. I’m so sorry you had to receive a message like that. This guy is one deplorable piece of shit. I don’t care, he can go die in a fuckin’ fire and eat my ass hairs!!!

    Thank you, though, for still voicing your opinions even though you’re bombarded with assholes like these.


  19. I am so sorry that your daughter is being used like this “against” you. I would really call the officials about this comment. I can’t believe that disgusting people like this are allowed to walk the streets while good people are going to court for taillights being out…


  20. This is disgusting and makes my skin crawl. Please, please report it. I can’t imagine how horrible this would feel to be a parent and have someone say this about your daughter. I’d want to go on a murdering rampage. There isn’t a limit to the number of ways I would torture this man.


    1. How else would you read it, then?

      It’s not an explicit threat, I’ll grant you. Does that make it any less abusive? Any less an attempt to make someone shut up and stay in “their place”?

      I think it can very well be read as an implied threat, and should in any case be investigated as evidence of potential criminal behavior.


  21. Asshole. Report it. Don’t let it slow you down. I just started following your blog and DH and I haven’t laughed so hard in a very long time. Lesson #413 on trash was particulary discussion-provoking :). Highschoolers still play the Penis game, by the way.
    If they don’t like your words, they can click that little “x” in the corner. Anytime.
    Good luck.


  22. Not to make light of a disturbing post, but I just googled “metaljacket53” and the first hit was a youtube channel under the same name. The first listing on the metaljacket53’s youtube channel? “The Man in Me.” So I’m thinking Sheryl is right on. Anyway, sorry you have to deal with this.


  23. Girl if you can dig up his IP address do so and hand it in…what an complete waste of space…as for myself and all my friends down under in Kiwi land we shall keep enjoying what you write, agreeing with most of it and quoting you when appropriate 🙂

    Oh and metaljacket dipstick – your bravery in hiding behind your computer typing whatever bullshit happens to fall out of your pea sized brain is truly astounding…the only smaller part of you would be your penis…small of brain ,miniscule of genitalia and you are probably 4ft 5…way to go mate you are a superstar….not.


  24. Who the he’ll would make a comment like that!?!? My policy is if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face —–don’t say it online! So many spineless people grow big hairy balls behind a computer screen!

    Do what you’re doing baby and ignore the haters!!!


  25. Gah, what an ugly thing to say. Why do people think it’s okay to say shit like this?

    And @Gail-Tzipporah Saunders – what the police take as a prosecutable offence is not the benchmark for what is a threat. The comment as it stands is offensive and threatening (both in tone and in content)

    @Queen of the Couch – you rock! I’m glad you took the approach of naming this jerk. I think in many ways naming (and shaming) offensive behaviour and making it visible is the first step in dealing with the violence towards marginalised folk.


  26. This sort of individual is obviously very sick. The sad part is that people visit blogs and think it is their personal responsibility to comment on everything that they don’t like. When everyone doesn’t back down to their vitriol, they get more and more nasty. You can see it on the political blogs every day. No real discourse, just name calling and nastiness. I love your blog and hope that weirdos like this don’t stop you from continuing to share your thoughts.


  27. One problem with posting the email address is that you have no idea whether that address actually belongs to the person who posted the comment. All you really know is that it’s the email address they typed into the comment form.


  28. There is a sickness in some people, and the age of the internet lets them broadcast it wherever they like. Report to the police or child welfare, post the address (it was on your blog, you have the right), then move on and keep shouting it out, sister!


  29. If you have the IP, and it traces to a place of business, you can have a bit of fun with this. Find out what the business is, and report the violation to his boss. Most companies have explicit policies in their employee handbooks that forbid this sort of harassment, because the corporation could be opened to a lawsuit. Chances are he’ll get a pretty good spanking from his employer.

    Back in my troll-slaying days, a fellow slayer did this, to great effect. That dude was pissed. Muhahahaha!


  30. I guess it is in someones warped mind. No wonder things have gone so off in the world. For someone to think it’s appropriate or funny to even say something like that. No wonder we need to teach our daughters abuse is abuse. It is not to be tolerated. It is not to be accepted. Period.


  31. Personally I wouldn’t dignify it w/ a post. B/c clearly that trolling asshole is going to burn in hell.

    But I’m not strongly opinionated or anything. I think you’re a fantastic blogger and anybody with talent and strong opinions (and especially a vagina) is going to bring out the trolls (or so I’m told by people who actually have talent). I’m sorry. Ignore the internet mole people. They don’t deserve your time or attention.


  32. Sounds like a psychopath. We must come up with a witty/scathing comeback….I’m not good at these, but maybe something like: Well, like I said, I’m not good at comebacks…yet.

    Ignore this idiot. This is someone with horrible psycho issues, and your blog is one of THE best things on the Internet.

    Maybe we can find metaljacket53’s home and occupy it, a la Wall Street.


  33. Hmmm…. well, I don’t see how what she does as a consenting adult with a man she loves is any of this douchebags business. 😉

    And I am laughing SO hard that you posted his email too. I hope he has fun with the subscriptions he is about to get from your loyal readers.


  34. I mean, I hate you and all, and you repulse me, but that is totally uncalled for.

    No seriously, some people feel that there are no repercussions when dealing with the internet. That they can say whatever they want, because there is anonymity. It’s absolutely disgusting!


  35. I think everyone should take this opportunity to email this individual and let them know just what a giant douche he/she really is!!! Why would anyone say that to anyone!


  36. Whoa. Well, hey, if he’s gonna post a comment, I don’t see why you should protect him from getting the same in return.


It puts the comment in the box.